Plan Your Holiday Email Marketing With This 2016 -’17 Calendar Planner Cheat Sheet [Infographic]
This Holiday eMail Marketing Cheat-Sheet and Calendar-Planner can save your arse from a lot of panic inducing frenzy that can drive anyone to the eggnog bar. Go ahead, get a head start on your holiday email marketing plan before it gets too crazy. And it WILL-GO-Crazy!
You can thank me later by thinking of me when you’re writing up that list of people to buy gifts for.
So Halloween is now staring you down in just a few short weeks (days if I got lazy hitting that publish button) and then there’s an avalanche of holidays that follows. But fear not, theres still time to get your holiday email marketing affairs in order and cash in on the holiday spree.
Target and plan a campaign for each holiday at least three weeks in advance and just use the handy paint-by-numbers planner below to schedule your email campaigns. No need to stress about strategy. You’re welcome.
So without further ado, here it is. Ta-da! –Enjoy and consume responsibly.
Source:Infographic – 2016 Holidy Calendar
There you have it, a stress free and perfect step-by-step plan to tackle your holiday email marketing campaigns.
And in this holiday season, I will have ZERO email marketing stress because I don’t have a mailing list to send any emails to.
Speaking of which, subscribe to my blog updates below or grab the free report on the left sidebar.
Happy Holidays!